Project Description
315 L Electric tank was replaced by a Reclaim Energy heat pump unit
Solar Analytics was already in place to monitor the power draw
Daily power consumption
After Heat Pump installation: 2-4 kWh/day from day to day depending on the usage and weather conditions
Power consumption pattern shown to the right
The pink graph is a 5 kW PV system generation and the blue curve is the Reclaim heat pump with a peak power draw of about 0.94 kW in January as well as a sample day in July. Note the power draw varies between 0.8-1.2 kW depending on water inlet temperature and ambient temperature.

- A comparative cost and energy savings analysis was conducted and is shown in the following graph
- From Energy Savings perspective, the Reclaim Heat Pump uses less kWh energy compared to any other technologies
- ~ 78% and 82% energy savings (i.e. energy consumption reduction) compared to the conventional electric and gas water heaters
- With respect to running costs, Reclaim Heat Pump unit is the cheapest to run using peak or off-peak tariffs. Considering 523$ annual running cost with Peak tariff for the Reclaim Heat Pump
- ~ 77% and 68% cost reduction can be achieved compared to conventional electric and gas water heaters
- Using the feed-in-tariff for houses with PV system on the roof, the cost of running Reclaim was reduced to ~139 $/year (i.e. this is still 5 times less than a feed-in-tariff system with electric tank)
- Solar Hot Water systems are the second most energy efficient and economic hot water systems after the Reclaim Hot Water system. This is because the fact that a similar size solar hot water system relies on the gas/electric back up for more than 40% of the year on average (i.e. most solar systems are sized and designed to achieve 60% annual energy saving)
- Cost and energy value figures are very sensitive to energy rates as well as size and design of systems and they are subject to change. The analysis here is based on 83% annual thermal efficiency for gas boosters and 100% annual conversion efficiency for electric heaters.