Project Description
The Reclaim REHP-CO2-315-GL was installed in May 2018 with a continuous data available since April 2019.
A family of 2 has been living on this site with additional guests up to 6 from time to time. The daily and monthly consumption profiles are shown below. The monthly consumption in colder months of the year (i.e. June and July) is about 53 kWh/month (i.e. 1.76 kWh/day).
In months with mid weather conditions, the monthly consumption has been about 40 kWh/month (i.e. 1.33 kWh/day). The system has been mainly set on option 4 and in most days, it has been doing only one cycle a day. The daily consumption based on annual data from 15 months data is about 43.6 kWh/month or 1.45 kWh/day.